Wakenya Pamoja Sacco Society Limited (WPS) was started in 1976 as a Union Banking Section of Kisii Farmers Co-operative Union (KFCU). It became autonomous in 1992 under the name Gusii Farmers Rural Sacco Society Limited (GRFS). The Society has, over the years, undergone major governance reforms which have facilitated: the change of name which was in line with the strategic move to expand geographically and explore other financial opportunities; and diversification of the membership to increase the society’s scope beyond tea and coffee to include value chain financing, microfinance, business development financing, asset financing among others

Our Vision
To be the financial services provider of choice
Our Mission
To enhance social economic welfare of our members through mobilization of resources and provision of affordable, accessible and sustainable financial services
Quick Contacts

Physical Address: Kahawa House, Opp. Gudka Westend, along the Kisii-Sotik Rd ,Overlooking Daraja Moja.
Tel: +254 746 668190 Mobile: +254 207 852506; +254 207 852507
E-mail: wpsacco@wakenyapamojasacco.com
Business Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm, Weekends and Public holidays remain closed